Student - 6621-1719, Hospital - (033)4044-9941     Govt. Approvals     Admission Notice



KPC Medical College and Hospital (KPCMCH) is a state-of-the-art healthcare facility and educational institution established to serve the city of Kolkata and the larger community of West Bengal. The KPCMCH is a society and is registered under Section 4(2) of The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961. The said society is formed by a non-profit foundation sponsored by the renowned orthopedic surgeon and medical entrepreneur Dr. Kali Pradip Chaudhuri. Under the guidance and leadership of Dr. Chaudhuri, the Society has established the KPC Medical College & Hospital which is affiliated to the West Bengal University of Health Sciences, approved by the Government of West Bengal and recognized by the medical council of India.

Dr. Chaudhuri or Dr. KPC as he is more commonly known is assisted by his team of senior medical executives and non medical executives who help him manage day to day operations of this institution.

Dr. Sourabh Ghosh serves as the medical director for this institution.