Student - 6621-1719, Hospital - (033)4044-9941     Govt. Approvals     Admission Notice

Secretary Medical College & Hospital Socitey


Sadhana Memorial School of Nursing is a moving force steadily reaching out to more and more students, striving tirelessly to improve the quality to bring ray of hope and cheer in the lives of suffering humanity.

This is the start of exciting and dedicated journey which will take students along the path of satisfaction and fulfillment with the sense of commitment, compassion and service spreading fragrance of happiness all over. Life is the most beautiful of all gifts given to us by God, more so, when it is enriched with golden emotion of service, love, care and concern for others.

The valued contribution of each member has made our organization strong and healthy. We have worked hard but still lot to be done with the objective of serving the community

My humble thanks and sincere appreciation to all for all that has been done and yet to be done.


KPC Medical College & Hospital Society
